Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blossoming Under Ice

Ladies, we know how evil other women can be; not you, of course. Why are women so mean to one another? Really, this is an age old question. And every time I read a post about this subject, the answer is always the same. Everyone says "she's just jealous," but why would you assume that she's being mean because she is jealous? Maybe all women just have a problem with other women. Maybe it is a biological phenomenon. What if there is a hormone excreted every time you are around another woman that sends a shot of "straight bitch" through her veins? We don't actually have proof of this, but let's ponder the subject here. Keep an open mind.
While it may not be an actual hormone reaction, it may very well be how we are raised. Every woman knows that our goal in life is to find the perfect mate. This holds for all sexual orientations, just the connotation will differ. So you have millions of women going for thousands of men, or fewer women going for an even smaller amount of eligible women, right? Maybe our brains are trained to fight for the best significant other possible. Perhaps the reason we put other women down...I mean, the reason other women put you down is the fact that they are trying to lift themselves up to get the best partner. In a sense, this is jealousy at its most fundamental state, but it is not what many people consider a jealous woman. For instance, many people will tell you that if a girl calls you ugly, it's because she wishes she looked like you. The hypothesis we are presenting here is that she just wants others (mainly her partner in the cross-hairs) to find her prettier than you.
It is highly plausible that this hypothesis is accurate. For ages women have been playing this cat and mouse game where they treat the competition like animals. The presented hypothesis is based on the fact that most women grow up wanting children (or something to take care of). It is a scientific fact that men (that are attracted to women) are attracted to certain shaped women because it is a sign of childbearing ability; similarly, women want the best partner for child rearing. Instead of a "pissing contest," this display of feminine culture is a "bitch" fest. Putting others down is a woman's way of raising herself up... Darwin's survival of the fittest by fluffing the feathers. It is in essence, a mating ritual, in our opinion.
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Happy pooping. :) 

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