Thursday, January 24, 2013

Engaging Engagment Photos

 So I was looking at engagment photos on Google images, because that's what people do-look at happy pictures to make life seem less dull, and I came across this gem. I love it when people take engagement photos with their animals because animals become part of the family, too. Now, you can argue all you want that animals have no feelings, and all that jazz, but if you have ever had a pet, you know the pain felt when that pet is no longer living; animals are companions, so when you lose one, it hurts. Hence, this picture made me laugh because the dog's face says: "Oh! I'm just so happy! I can't believe I'll be calling you Mom, soon...Mom! haha! I said it, and it felt so good. I love you both!"
 If I could explain why this one made me happy, it might offend some people. I've always found the renaissance-inclined people very an eccentric way. I just love the horribly overdone backdrop, the most. But hey, to each his/her own. I wonder how hard it was for the photographer not to burst into fits of laughter.
 Now, this is how you say "classy." I'm not sure if this is an engagement photo, but if I were getting pictures with my fiance, and he/she decided to take a piss outside, while the camera was rolling, I don't think I'd be as supportive of this.
 Not going to lie, these kind of pictures always freak me out. That grass looks super itchy, for one. Secondly, I don't trust bugs. These must be for super outdoorsy people. Which, obviously, my other half and I are not.
 The best part about this photo is that it was deemed "creative." Yes, chopping people's shoulders off is very creative. I hope it was just the sizing on the thumbnail was off; however, when I clicked on the image, it enlarged to the same-having no heads. I don't understand engagment photos with no faces. Is it supposed to be a mystery? Do they put these pics in their houses? Or maybe make blown up copies of the picture and let people stick their faces where faces are missing as part of a photo booth thing. That's becoming popular, now, to my understanding.
 As a nerd, I like nerdy things. This, however, is going a little too far. I think it's cute, but do they not realize that Darth Maul and Luke Skywalker would never engage in anything more than battle?? Not to mention, they forgot the double weilding light saber. Gah! There are just so many things wrong with this. It's a creative idea, but just plain inaccurate.
This one is cute and super sweet. I can't say I don't love a man in uniform, but I really love her dress...and the bench, and the tree, and everything. This picture just screams "I'm so excited we're getting married!!!"
Ok, that ends my pointless picture blog for the day. I love these. :)
Maybe it will give you some ideas of what to do or what not to do as far as engagement photos go.
Hope you enjoyed reading. Happy pooping.

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