Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bearing All

We begin our journey with a single, awesome plan: road trip! Lucky for us, our grandmother has share in a condo in the mountains, and her share was coming up. We promptly claimed the weekend trip with much excitement, so we began honing the plan to every little perfect detail. Our weekend trip to the mountains was going to be superb! Little did we know, some stingy cousins had already put their name on the list. 
When we found out our original plan had been demolished, our hearts sunk in our chests like the Titanic. Our iceberg had been a two hour drive away, and there was no way we could ever have guessed it'd sink our sailing ship. Good news was we were only out a free place to stay. Our next step was finding a hotel (we weren't about to kill off our plans just because we lost our place to stay). This was not an easy feat considering we were only a month from our desired date of arrival.
Seeing that our hotels were limited, our plans began to transform. We were quite lucky, then, to stumble upon a Groupon for a resort that was half priced for a weekend! But there is always a catch, ins't there?   Looking at the availability dates, we quickly realized that our weekend stay would only be half priced for a day. Thus, we began looking into other options. An idea occurred that we could stay one night at the resort and one night in another city of interest. Again, we began looking for hotels; and again, we were limited because of our time frame. At one time, we even discussed sleeping in a tree house with no water or electricity because it was $13 per night. Then, we discussed sleeping in the car, but the necessity of safety was too prominent in our minds.
Our plan became this: buy the Groupon and pay for a cheap motel in the other city, drive up on Friday night, and enjoy all the many attractions of the mountains. But of course this plan also changed when both of us began to worry about money. Money changes everything. From this, our plan morphed into a weekend stay in the mountains in the city we planned to get the cheap motel; however, we decided since we would save on gas here, we would splurge on a very nice hotel for two nights (no bed bugs or mole mentioned in the reviews). While our hotel was considerably more expensive than our original plan, it worked out that we'd actually save money! Now our plan was truly perfect (minus the free, technically not perfect, but fabulous).
As you can see, when you plan for a road trip, you need to keep an open mind. Things will constantly change because that is just how life works. But often, it works out for the best. Now we have a wonderful plan to spend our best friend honeymoon in the mountains, looking at waterfalls, nature, and other shit that makes you feel cozy. We might even go see some animals trapped in cages because we like zoos. It's all part of keeping our minds opened. Just remember, your original plan is not going to be the plan you end up with. Hope our experience is helpful in alleviating those pre-travel anxieties. As always, happy pooping! :)

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