Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Swallow This Diction

           Lilly is an eccentric word person. She enjoys the taste on her tongue when certain words are issued between open mouths by pressing the tongue to the roof of the mouth and expelled from moistened lips. Word choice is everything when writing. The way to create an interesting sentence is by choosing words that feel right. Using placeholder words too often can create a journalistic feel, but using unnecessarily loaded words creates an arrogant tone.Tonight we give you an alphabetical list of words that are not used frequently but sound absolutely delicious.
  1. Anomy- Alienation and purposelessness experienced by a person or a class as a result of a lack of standards, values, or ideals
  2. Ballyhoo- Sensational or clamorous advertising or publicity
  3. Creatress- She who creates
  4. Deosculate- To kiss affectionately or warmly
  5. Efflorescence- A bursting forth or flowering (but pathologically, a rash or eruption on the skin)
  6. Fatiloquence- Telling of the future; soothsaying
  7. Gyration- Circular or spiral motion
  8. Humdinger- One that is extraordinary or remarkable
  9. Iconodulist- A person who worships images
  10. Jingoism-  Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy; chauvinistic patriotism
  11. Kenesis- Movement or activity of an organism in response to a stimulus such as light
  12. Lecherous- Given to excessive indulgence in sexual activity
  13. Moiety-  A share or portion
  14. Nascence- A coming into being; birth
  15. Opulence- Great abundance; wealth, affluence
  16. Primordial- Being or happening first in sequence of time; original
  17. Quirk- A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncrasy
  18. Rhapsodic-  Immoderately impassioned or enthusiastic; ecstatic
  19. Sapid- Pleasing to the mind; engaging
  20. Titillate- To stimulate by touching lightly; tickle
  21. Undulation- A regular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides; movement in waves
  22. Vulpine- Cunning; clever
  23. Wanderlust- A very strong or irresistible impulse to travel
  24. Xyster- A surgical instrument for scraping bones
  25. Yearn-  To have a strong, often melancholy desire
  26. Zeal-  The fervor or tireless devotion for a person, cause, or ideal and determination in its furtherance
And that concludes the sensuous list of words A through Z. Some were more difficult to find a climatic word, so please forgive the lack of drool stimulus. Hope you find a way to use these succulent words in every day happenings, just to feel them roll off your acquisitive tongues. Feel free to leave some of your own words as comments. :) Happy pooping, all. 

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