Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Closer Than Close Friendship

  You know that friend that you have done so much stupid stuff with, you just can't imagine not being friends with her/him? Well, we have a story that trumps all stupid stories, ever. I'm pretty sure this constitutes as a crime it was so stupid. The beginning of this post will be slightly scary, so bear with us. At the end, we will give you a shot of "feel good" juice.
   The first year that we met, we became very close friends; but not in the usual sense. We didn't bond over simple things like barbie dolls and cute shoes. NO, we were forced together through a series of events that took place over a single evening in our lives. So, New Year's Eve rolled around. This is a big holiday for college students. It gives them the necessary means to party, including friends with alcohol. There were two parties we were invited to, by two totally different types of people. We had no way of knowing what lay ahead.
   The first party was a typical family type party, where the strongest drink available was Pinot Grigio...which we were banned from touching due to events at a party a few months earlier that provided uncomfortable snuggle partners and the mocking of a porcelain Santa ornament as we passed out. Besides, we were planning on driving an hour to drop in at the second party, that would later bring us closer than ever imagined. The games at the first party were easy going, but the girls were in "bitch" mode (presumably because their boyfriends found us more interesting), so we ended up leaving earlier than planned. But not before we consumed some delicious chili and chicken sandwiches.
   On our way to the second party, we partook in some exciting road trip music and dancing. And of course, we made road trip videos to catalog our trip, after all this was a memorable night. Not before calling our mom, who told us "don't do anything drinking and driving." Once more, we were on the road again! We saw several cop cars interspersed; we even passed through a road block. The cop did not seem too concerned as to why two college kids were driving an hour away from the address listed on my driver's license. Nothing suspicious about that at all.
   We arrived at the second party, unscathed, and beer-less. The host was very generous, though considering our lack of bearing any fun juice. As soon as we walked in, she asked if she could make us a mixed vodka drink. We were obliged to accept, since we were planning on staying overnight, as per Mom's instructions. Once we got the first drink in our systems, we braved the party-goers and the rest of the night came easily. An invitation was extended to us to participate in a friendly game of beer pong. I remember drinking most of the beers due to my other half beating the shit out of me, but I could be wrong. After the first round, I was in desperate need of a sit down, and so was my other half.
   I decided to step outside for some fresh air, and also down some cancer sticks with friends. We sat on the porch swing and watched more and more drunk people pour in...all of this as the beer pong went to our head. My other half clumsily joined us on the porch to express her love for anything that was in sight. There were words exchanged with several guys, and a second round of drinks were brought to us on the porch. Nothing was unusual. However, when we went back inside approximately an hour later, things were getting very hazy. The last thing I remember was watching an exciting game of waterfall, when suddenly, I was being lifted off the couch. I puked vodka and orange soda all down the front of the host's outfit. Needless, to say she was not happy. She left me in her cousin's care; he washed me up and got me in some extra clothes he had at the house, then laid me on a mattress in the guest bedroom. My other half soon followed with the assistance of a few men. We were both in and out of what we were later told was called alcohol black outs.
    The next morning, we were awakened by glaring sunlight coming from a window behind our heads. We looked at each other in horror over the host's cousin's head, who had apparently fallen asleep between us. You know how people joke about finding their child has pooped on the walls, and they are struck with terror as they look along every surface of the bathroom to find feces? Well, we had a similar reaction as we discovered there was chunks of chili colored throw up on the walls around the bed, as well as on the carpet. Imagine Linda Blair...times ten. Very disgusting I know. Also, turns out there was not just one guy in the bed, there were two! And not the attractive kind, but the kind you would rather chew your arm off rather than wake them. We had fit four people in a full size bed. Due to the crowded bed, my poor other half awoke to find her body pressed against this puke covered wall.
   We got up and put clothes on; then, we proceeded to the bathroom for a short clean up before making our exit. However, as we crossed the hallway to the bathroom, we realized it would be impossible to make our escape without the host knowing. We got cleaned up and went to the living room where the host was cleaning up other people's mess. She gave us a brief description of what happened during our blackout:
   Apparently, what happened was we were laid on the guest mattress and given a throw up can...but not before my other half fought the people dragging us to the bedroom, causing her to break a glass coffee table and rip a socket out of the wall with her leg (yes, the leg was cut up pretty badly). After we were put in cleanish clothes and laid in bed, our help left. When someone returned to check on us, we had thrown up all over the bed, and were basically rolling around in chili vomit. Remember, we are blacked out, so we have no idea what is going on. The next time the help returns, we have a male in the bed, passed out next to us, and I am using him as a body pillow. The guest mattress being the only other bed in a quiet room left, the help gets in the bed too. That night, we ended up ruining a living room area rug, a glass coffee table, a power outlet, a bathroom rug, and several pairs of clothes, plus the sheets we slept on. Needless to say, we tried to help out with some of the cleaning, but we were pretty much useless because we were feeling very drugged.
    I'd like to pose the question that we have had for some time about this party. Now, we didn't really drink that much compared to what we had drank before, so why did we feel so drunk so quickly? There were several party-goers there with drugs on them, though the host denies it. We have a strong feeling that we were drugged at some point during the night. But to make matters easier to live with, we will just say we got wasted. 

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